Animate CSS: Creating Clouds Animation with Keyframes Example


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Do you want to animate clouds or other elements using only CSS keyframes? With animate CSS, you have the flexibility to do just that. You can move absolute positioned elements with left, top, right, and bottom within keyframes, or even use transform translate. The choice is yours when it comes to leveraging animate CSS.

Most comparisons on the Internet pit CSS animations against jQuery, given its widespread use (as though "JavaScript" and "jQuery" were synonymous). However, jQuery is notoriously slow when it comes to animation performance. The newer JavaScript-based  GSAP is literally up to 20 times faster than jQuery. Part of why JavaScript animations have a bad rap is what's referred to as the "jQuery factor." But with animate CSS, you can create sleek animations without relying on external libraries.

Animate CSS Keyframes for Cloud Animation

In our example, we'll demonstrate how to animate clouds moving from left to right and vice versa in a continuous loop. The beauty of this effect is that it can be achieved solely with CSS keyframes, utilizing animate CSS. Below you'll find the code to create this stunning visual.

First, we place the elements outside the visible area using CSS properties like

     0  position: absolute;  1  top: 100px;  2  /* Or right /  3  left:-250px; 

    We position them using negative numbers. If an element is, for example, 150px wide, we can use left -250px to hide it. You can either set a specific width or calculate it with JavaScript. If you know your box won't exceed 600px, you can set a maximum width with

    // CSS CODE
       0  max-width: 600px; 

      To ensure a smooth loop effect, you can move your element from 0px to 850px without any sudden changes in the visible area.

      // CSS CODE
         0  /* Or translate() */  1  translate3d(0px,0px,0px); 

        You can further fine-tune the animation using JavaScript to compute items and position them as needed, allowing for starts, stops, specific directions, and interaction-driven changes. With animate CSS, you can define the keyframes as follows:

        // CSS CODE
           0  @keyframes cloud1 {  1    from{transform: translate3d(0px,0px,0px)}  2    /* If you just right, the number with a minus in front -850px */  3    to{transform: translate3d(850px,0px,0px)}  4  } 

          Finally, apply the animation to the desired cloud element with

          // CSS CODE
             0  animation: cloud1 50s infinite linear; 

            And there you have it! A captivating cloud animation achieved solely through animate CSS, without the need for complex scripts or additional libraries.


            Did you know that you can use hover and other pseudo-elements to trigger CSS events? It's a handy feature when you want to animate CSS properties on user interaction.

            But did you know

            That you can achieve similar effects with JavaScript? By specifying a transformation with a 3D property (such as translate3d() or matrix3d()), the browser will create a GPU layer for that element. This GPU acceleration isn't exclusive to CSS animations – JavaScript animations can also benefit! It's an excellent way to boost performance and create smooth transitions in both animate CSS and JavaScript-driven animations.

            HTML and CSS for Clouds Animation Using Animate CSS

            The CSS for this cloud animation example can be found below. You can easily modify, extend, or even convert it to SASS or LESS. This code snippet demonstrates how to bring your cloud animation to life using animate CSS, offering a sleek and efficient way to add visual flair to your website.

            // CSS CODE
               0  .mb-cloud {   1    2      position: relative; // Here to relative to fix elements with absolute inside  3      overflow: hidden;   4      width: 100%;   5      height: 30em;  6      max-height: 30em;  7      background: linear-gradient(#87CEEB,#E0FFFF);   8  }   9    10  .cloud1,   11  .cloud2,   12  .cloud3,   13  .cloud4,   14  .cloud5,   15  .cloud6 {   16    17      position: absolute;   18    19      -webkit-border-radius: 200px;     20      -moz-border-radius: 200px;     21      border-radius: 200px;  22  }   23    24  .cloud1, .cloud4 {     25    26      width: 200px;     27      height: 60px;     28      background: #00c9ee;   29  }     30    31  .cloud1 {   32    33      top: 80px;   34      left:-230px;   35      animation: cloud1 50s infinite linear;   36  }   37    38  @keyframes cloud1 {   39      from{transform: translate3d(-130px,0,0)}   40      to{transform: translate3d(1900px,0,0)}   41  }   42    43  .cloud2 {   44    45      top: 200px;   46      left:-230px;   47      animation: cloud2 20s infinite linear;   48  }   49    50  @keyframes cloud2 {   51      from{transform: translate3d(-90px,0,0)}   52      to{transform: translate3d(1900px,0,0)}   53  }   54    55  .cloud3 {   56    57      top: 300px;   58      right:-230px;   59      animation: cloud3 60s infinite linear;   60  }   61    62  @keyframes cloud3 {   63      from{transform: translate3d(210px,0,0)}   64      to{transform: translate3d(-1900px,0,0)}   65  }   66    67  .cloud4 {   68    69      top: 400px;   70      left:-230px;   71      animation: cloud4 80s infinite linear;   72  }   73    74  @keyframes cloud4 {   75      from{transform: translate3d(-80px,0,0)}   76      to{transform: translate3d(1900px,0,0)}   77  }   78    79  .cloud5 {   80    81      top: 300px;   82      left:-230px;   83      animation: cloud5 100s infinite linear 1s;   84  }   85    86  @keyframes cloud5 {   87      from{transform: translate3d(-80px,0,0)}   88      to{transform: translate3d(1900px,0,0)}   89  }   90    91  .cloud6 {   92    93      top: 150px;   94      right:-230px;   95      animation: cloud6 40s infinite linear 1s;   96  }   97    98  @keyframes cloud6 {   99      from{transform: translate3d(300px,0,0)}   100      to{transform: translate3d(-1900px,0,0)}   101  }      102    103  .cloud1:after, .cloud4:after {     104    105      content: '';     106      position: absolute;     107      top:-40px;     108      left: 20px;     109      width: 80px;     110      height: 80px;      111      background: #00c9ee;   112      -webkit-border-radius: 200px;     113      -moz-border-radius: 200px;     114      border-radius: 200px;  115  }     116    117  .cloud1:before, .cloud4:before {     118    119      content: '';     120      position: absolute;     121      top:-60px;     122      right: 30px;     123      width: 100px;     124      height: 100px;     125      background: #00c9ee;    126      -webkit-border-radius: 200px;     127      -moz-border-radius: 200px;     128      border-radius: 200px;  129  }     130    131  .cloud2, .cloud5 {     132    133      width: 100px;     134      height: 30px;    135      background: #00c9ee;     136  }     137    138  .cloud2:after, .cloud5:after {     139    140      content: '';     141      position: absolute;     142      width: 40px;     143      height: 40px;     144      top:-20px;     145      left: 10px;     146      background: #00c9ee;     147      -webkit-border-radius: 200px;     148      -moz-border-radius: 200px;     149      border-radius: 200px;  150  }     151    152  .cloud2:before, .cloud5:before {     153    154      content: '';   155      position: absolute;     156      top:-30px;     157      right: 15px;     158      width: 50px;     159      height: 50px;     160      background: #00c9ee;    161      -webkit-border-radius: 200px;     162      -moz-border-radius: 200px;     163      border-radius: 200px;  164  }     165    166  .cloud3, .cloud6 {     167    168      width: 200px;     169      height: 60px;     170      background: #00f1ee;     171      box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;     172      -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;     173      -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;     174  }     175    176  .cloud3:after, .cloud6:after {     177    178      content: '';     179      position: absolute;    180      width: 80px;     181      height: 80px;     182      top:-40px;     183      left: 20px;     184      background: #00f1ee;    185      -webkit-border-radius: 200px;     186      -moz-border-radius: 200px;     187      border-radius: 200px;  188      box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;     189      -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;     190      -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;   191  }     192    193  .cloud3:before, .cloud6:before {     194    195      content: '';     196      position: absolute;    197      width: 100px;     198      height: 100px;     199      top:-60px;     200      right: 30px;     201      background: #00f1ee;     202      -webkit-border-radius: 200px;     203      -moz-border-radius: 200px;     204      border-radius: 200px;  205      box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;     206      -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;     207      -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #00f1ee;   208  } 

              And the HTML for the example shown above is crucial to structuring the animation. Together with the CSS, it forms the backbone of the animation, allowing you to create the desired visual effect. By combining HTML and CSS, you can design animations that are both visually appealing and functional, enhancing the user experience on your website. Don't hesitate to experiment with different elements and styles to create unique animations using animate CSS.

              // HTML CODE
                 0  <div class="mb-cloud">   1       <div class="cloud1"></div>    2       <div class="cloud2"></div>    3       <div class="cloud3"></div>    4       <div class="cloud4"></div>    5       <div class="cloud5"></div>    6       <div class="cloud6"></div>    7   </div> 

                Are CSS Animations Now "Bad"?

                Of course not. In fact, they are ideal for straightforward transitions between states (such as rollovers) when compatibility with older browsers is not required. 3D transformations usually work very well (iOS7 is a notable exception), and CSS animations can be very appealing to developers who prefer to integrate all their animation and presentation logic into the CSS layer. However, JavaScript-based animations offer much more flexibility, a better workflow for complex animations and rich interactivity, and are often just as fast (or even faster) than CSS-based animations, despite what you may have heard.


                Animate CSS and keyframes provide a valuable toolset for creating engaging animations on the web. While JavaScript-based animations offer more flexibility and interactivity, CSS animations are a great option for simple transitions and effects. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of both will enable you to choose the best approach for your specific needs and create compelling visual experiences for your users. Keep exploring, experimenting, and innovating with both CSS and JavaScript to bring your web designs to life.


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