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Donation for prod3v3loper

Thank you for your donation, since you donated I think that you have informed yourself why I like to donate. So I do it all as a hobby with passion and would like to pass on my knowledge or useful tools. In general everyone that I develop for free and I'm a fan of open source. You can not do anything open source, because there are individual programs that are tuned to a specific theme.

If you do not know what you should donate or donate for, you will learn more below.

Why support?

You help me or us very much and in different ways. For example, we can write better programs as higher quality code. These can be made available and distributed free of charge to anyone. Also that we can take more time for the projects to realize something so unique. That everyone can use our knowledge and tools for his purposes.

Work for Help

Develop with us.

Money to Open Source

You can also help us with your knowledge in your area of ​​expertise (SEO). Or you are also a programmer and you want to develop something. We are open for almost everything.

Together you are strong

Help to become help

Help to become help

It is becoming more and more important to help each other. Alone is good but community is always stronger, because everyone is pulling together. No matter if small or big, everyone is welcome.

Donate for Change

Make a Difference


Your contribution enables us to advance our developments. On the web, all the money costs the server on which the site is running.

As Albert Einstein has already put it in words and more.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
There are two ways to live your life, either as if nothing was a miracle, or as if everything was a miracle.

There are even more quotes from Albert Einstein or others, but everyone is human and everything is up to you, in your hand, as you see things.

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